2020. 10. 4. 21:11ㆍ개발/aws
aws certificate
Usability benefits 3개
- aws management console.
- aws cli.
- aws sdk 각자의 언어로 aws 서비스들 사용할 수 있게하는 것들…
we can create resource group for services
———core services————
ec2 = elastic compute cloud
- increase or decrease amount of service automatically
- server란 말 대신 instance 써라 여기선
- pay as you go
- borad selection of hw/sw
- global hosting
- more in aws.amazon.com/ec2
- security group is set of firewall policies
ebs = elastic block store
- persistent and customizable block storage for ec2 instances
- replicated in the same availability zone
- backup using snapshots
- easy and transparent encryption
- elastic volumes
- ssd or hdd
- you can encrypt and share your snapshots from virginia to tokyo.
s3 = storage service
- data access 시 rest endpoint로 접근 가능
——> https://{{bucket_name}}/{{region-specific endpoint}}/{object key}}
- common use cases
—————> 1. storing application assets
2. static web hosting
3. backup&disaster recovery
4. staging area for big data
5. etc
vpc = virtual private cloud
- uses same concepts as on premise networking
- ability to isolate and expose resource inside vpc
- ability to allow and deny specific internet and internal traffic
- services inherent security built into network
- availability zone(az)를 최소화하는 것이 낫다.(aws topology…)
- by default, all subnets in vpc can communicate each other
- subnet을 public하게 하려면 internet gateway를 vpc에 attach할 필요…
security groups
- act like firewall for your virtual servers.
************Application load balancer******
application load balancer allows different request to the same instance
but differ the path by the ports. you can set up desired routing
path & host-based routing
path based routing -> allows to route to target groups based on the URL in the request.
host based routing -> allows to have multiple domains supported by the same load balancer
***********Auto Scaling***********
Auto scaling에는 3가지 구성요소
- Create a launch configuration. —>> AMI, Instance Type, Security Groups, Roles
- Create an auto scaling group —>> WHere? VPC and subnets, Load balancer, Minium instances, Maximum instances, desired capacity
- Define at least one auto scaling policy —> Scheduled, On-demand, Scale-out policy, scale-in policy
**********Route 53********
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